In celebration of the city of Tukwila's 100th birthday, on Sept. 6, city officials will be holding a high-tech treasure hunt using GPS receivers to guide teams to treasures around the city.
The event is part of a broader Health, Safety and Wellness Expo on the same day.
Geocaching, as it is popularly termed, is a high-tech treasure hunting game using GPS devices to locate hidden containers, called geocaches.
In June, the Association of Washington Cities recognized the city of Tukwila as a WellCity for the fifth year in a row. In addition, the American Heart Association has recognized the city as a Platinum-Level Start! Fit-Friendly organization, which is awarded for helping employees eat healthier and exercise more.
"A big part of the Tukwila Centennial is promoting personal health, safety and wellness," said Tukwila Mayor Jim Haggerton. "The geocaching event is a fun way to get people outside and participating in a fun, family-friendly activity."
The geocaching event will begin with registration at 9 a.m. and end at noon. Teams can have up to four members and will compete to find nearly 30 caches.
Registration is still open and is free to Tukwila residents, City of Tukwila employees and Tukwila School District employees. Companies are also encouraged to have their employees participate in the activities by signing up for the Corporate Cup Challenge.
The expo, which runs from noon to 3 p.m., will showcase local vendors, a "healthy alternative" food court, community center demonstrations, and local fire, police and rescue.
There will also be a low intensity fun-walk, which earns participants tickets to a raffle.
For more information on the geocaching event and to register, visit
Both the geocaching event and expo will be held at Neudorf Memorial Stadium at Foster High School, 4242 S. 144th St.
The centennial celebration events are highlighting the past, present and future of the Tukwila area. Festivities will continue through the end of June 2009.
Additional activities include historic presentations, sporting events, Memorial Day at the Museum of Flight, heart-healthy activities, and hotel and shopping packages.