Regarding your article "Cool Themes Bring Hot Business" 8-13-08.
I think that it's a sad day when anyone thinks that going to the local coffee stand and having baristas dressed in sexy attire is OK.
There is a place for this type of attire, (I use the term lightly) it's called adult entertainment. When this stand began its operation in Tukwila, the baristas, at times, wore pasties until they were told to tone it down.
What some people may not know is that the door on the shack has been replaced with a full-length window, for "full exposure".
The location is only feet from the sidewalk where students from surrounding schools can easily view the baristas. Also, if you pull in for gas at the Shell station you could unexpectedly look directly into the shack, which I doubt most parents with a carload of kids would appreciate.
I'm also curious why anyone would think it's OK for baristas to dress as they are and not, for example other businesses. How would you feel if you went into your local bank, grocery store, insurance agent's office, or any number of additional businesses and were greeted by a cashier, clerk, agent, etc. dressed in pasties and a bikini bottom?
I don't think anyone would stand for that. So why coffee shacks?
As for wanting to "earn your own money" and not being reliant on men, your attitude diminishes the advances many women have made over the years.
Instead of serving coffee in pasties and bikinis you need to "Wake up and smell the coffee."
Barbara Bader
Concerned Citizen of Tukwila
Neighbors without Borders