Meet Ralph Holm
Age 87, he has been a member of the Burien Elks for 38 years, and is also a Pearl Harbor Survivor member.
He was a Seaman 2nd class just reporting for duty when he spotted a strange Japanese plane heading his way so he sensed something wrong and dashed below deck to his battle station.
The plane was one of scores of bombers, which attacked and sank the battleship Oklahoma.
Ralph's ship, the battleship Maryland suffered little damage though it was moored alongside.
The popular car show is sponsored by the Burien Elks as one of many fundraisers for charities held throughout the year.
Meet Daryl Prindle
Proud owner of this 1929 Model A Ford. He did most of the restoration himself.
A long time Highline resident he was happy to show his pride and joy at the Burien Elks old-car show.