Burien's Andy Kleitsch launches mobile billing service
Mon, 09/15/2008
Billing Revolution, a recently stealth-mode mobile commerce company, just launched its "single-click," a mobile billing and payments service designed to make it easy once and for all for retailers to sell products to on-the-go consumers without sacrificing high profits to mobile operators.
This new billing revolution is being led by a veteran team of mobile and internet entrepreneurs that have pioneered e-commerce, SMS campaigns such as American Idol, and mobile advertising from companies such as Third Screen Media, AT&T Wireless, Amazon, and Microsoft.
The CEO of Billing Revolution is Burien resident Andy Kleitsch.
"Today's opportunity is all about creating access and making it easier for people to start using their cell phone as their wallet, Kleitsch declared.
"We stand at the forefront of an explosive growth industry and a simple mobile commerce proposition is something that the industry has needed for a long time. We feel we are in a great position to grab a significant part of what currently is forecasted to be a $300 billion dollar market over the next five years."
Mobile commerce today has generally been limited to on-deck digital merchandise. Merchants selling goods and services off-deck have failed to provide a seamless and quick purchase experience that consumers expect for both digital and physical goods. Billing Revolution is now pioneering mobile commerce for both merchants and consumers with its "single-click" experience. Billing Revolution's proprietary technology works across most phones without requiring users to enter a user name or pin code every time they make a purchase. It is the only solution available today that is equipped to handle off-deck purchases around the globe while providing a greatly increased profit to retailers.
According to a white paper recently released by The Nielsen Company, "The US is the global leader in mobile internet adoption, with 40 million US mobile subscribers (15.6%) actively using the mobile internet." The paper also notes that, "Adults age 25-34 are the most likely to have made a purchase using their phone: 5.4% of that age group (or some 3 million people) have made a purchase, compared with 3.6% among the general mobile-subscriber population."
Once a mobile user is ready to conduct a transaction, they are taken to Billing Revolution's secure purchase page. After providing their credit card information, a SMS receipt is sent to the user's phone. Upon clicking the receipt link, authentication is complete and future purchases are all "single-click" enabled. Billing Revolution's authentication service also provides merchants with several management tools, such as restricting or allowing paying customer access.
Through Billing Revolution's simple single-click process, consumers enjoy the added convenience of mobile shopping, and mobile operators can sell goods and services not currently allowed on their bills, such as physical goods and purchases over $20.
Beyond that, publishers and advertising networks can commerce enable mobile ad campaigns and deliver improved ROI, while delivering a better customer experience on mobile.
According to Juniper Research, the gross transaction value of mobile payments will grow to exceed $300 billion by 2013 and there will be more than 2.1 billion subscribers that will have purchased digital goods. The research firm also cites a "significant and immediate" opportunity for mobile payment software and services, and that mobile phones will soon become a widely used tool for purchases that span both digital goods such as music, tickets and games, as well as physical goods including gifts and books and other high-end items.
Billing Revolution is a technology and services company that enables secure "single-click" credit card transactions on mobile phones. Billing Revolution's turnkey software allows merchants to securely sell products to mobile consumers, while enabling mobile sites, advertisers and agencies to commerce enable their mobile advertising campaigns. By leveraging Billing Revolution's service, merchants can easily sell any product at any price and realize up to an 80% increase in their net profit margin when compared to operator based billing.