On Saturday, Sept. 27, tens of thousands of Americans will mobilize for "Green Jobs Now: A National Day of Action to Build the New Economy." Green Jobs Now is a national day of action designed to empower everyday people to stage hundreds of grassroots events throughout the country. Special emphasis is being focused toward low-income communities and communities of color.
Meanwhile the Moontown Foundation is spearheading the largest Day of Action event in the state of Washington. Over 300 volunteers are being called into action and tasked to canvass an estimated 32,000 residents living in approximately 7,800 households and small businesses to spread the word. Their goal is to position King County as a national leader in home energy efficiency and conservation through urban grassroots action, not just through our words.
The event, aptly called the White Center Energy Festival and Prosperity Project, will start at White Center Heights Elementary School. The event is designed to promote home energy efficiency, spur economic development, increase awareness the emerging green job market, and raise funds for an Eco Apprentice Scholarship Fund. The Fund meant to help low-income youth pursue educational training and certifications in so-called green job trades (i.e., energy efficiency auditing and solar panel installation) at local vocational and community colleges.
Volunteers and residents will receive gift bags complete with energy efficiency products and goodies (i.e., compact fluorescent light bulbs, low flow showerheads and timers, home weatherization kits, and more). Day of event t-shirts, food and entertainment will also be provided.
At the end of the day volunteers will be asked to reflect upon the day and share their stories and insights with members of the organizing committee, the community, and the media. KCTS is doing a show for KCTS Connect and a documentary film crew called EnviroSpeak.tv will provide film coverage. It is upon this framework that future collaborative efforts throughout South Seattle area will be built.
For more information go to http://events.greenjobsnow.com/greenforall/events/show/5211, or www.moontownfoundation.org/specialevents.php