It has been a long time since I have enjoyed such a day on Alki Beach as I experienced on Sunday Sept. 7. The length of Alki Avenue Southwest was for the most part closed to car traffic.
There was an eastbound lane left open for local residents and Metro transit, however, even that lane was not very busy. The lack of congestion was what was different. Easy to get in, and out of course, without a car. I have heard that some who chose to arrive by car instead of one of the countless alternatives that crossed my path had to look for parking, but when on Alki, on a sunny day do car drivers not struggle to find parking.
If it only took 20 minutes to find parking that indicates the day was a success, making finding parking actually easier. It was very quiet and peaceful despite the fact that the beach was packed. The air was not fouled by exhaust and that was noticeable.
The businesses were getting great crowds as I witnessed lines that went out the doors of some restaurants. I also saw a type of uncommon community interaction right on the streets of Alki as many were greeting neighbors as they passed not confined by metal and glass. The contrast was dramatic from the normal busy Sunday on Alki Beach and for those who could not enjoy such a day, hopefully there will be more opportunities in the future to free up such a beautiful location from the annoyances that normally beseech it.
Stu Hennessey
West Seattle