I am responding to the letter to the editor by Pastor Randy Laskovar in the Sept. 10, edition.
Paster Rady Lskovar helped clarify my position. For the record, I have been a devout, Christian woman for 72 years. The regime of the Bush Administration has given me opportunity for much soul searching. This is my conclusion.
Many Christians are pro-birth. They showed little outrage when the Bush Administration lied to the American people, declared war on the wrong country, created untold deaths to innocent Muslins and sacrificed the lives and health of our men and woman in uniform. Much of the Christian community continues to fully support the Bush Administration even though they have appointed former executives to the posts of regulatory agencies that are intended to monitor those very corporations, increased the wealth of the rich while weakening the middle class, set a world record for employment of a well-paid mercenary army, keep as many facts as possible from the American people and will go down as one of the most corrupt and inept Administrations in our history. Bush appointed Alphonso Jackson, his qualification being that he was one of Bush's neighbors, to the position of Secretary of Housing. It is rumored that Jackson will be resigning soon after standing by while this mortgage mess developed to further bankrupt our country. The Bush Administration, by using political loyalty, religious affiliation and cronyism as a basis for government positions, elevated the unfair and unprofessional practice to a world-class art.
My church constantly reminds me they are not a democracy. I now realize they do not believe in democracy anywhere. It appears to me they are using their influence and monetary support to make our country a Theocracy. They use pro-birth as a battle cry. The needs of existing people and the health of our country take a back seat to this goal. Their actions show me they are pro-birth--not pro-life. They hysterically protect possible births-but ignore the needs of those of us who are already here.
I will enthusiastically vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden as a hope to save our democracy. The Bush Administration's goals and policies will continue if McCain is elected. Their party constantly reminds us of their strong religious morals while their actions demonstrate an absence of integrity.
I will vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden because I want a presidential team with integrity. I am reminded of the quote from the Bible that says, "Leave unto Rome the things that are Roman". (I believe this means keep religion out of politics.). I love our Democracy. It gives me the freedom to worship God in the manner of my choosing.
Joan Rupp
Harbor Avenue