Mark Wainwright of the Admiral Neighborhood Asscociation should have his facts right before writing his letter to the editor ("Headline a Disservice," Thursday Sept. 25).
The facts are:
- Department of Neighborhoods Application Review comments conclude, "There is a chance that the Parks Department does not support the project at this time due to the size and location of the park. The park (at) California Avenue and Southwest Hill Street is between a green area and a parking lot that belongs to a church and right next to a busy arterial. There is a bus stop in the park and the park can easily be confused by being part of the church's parking lot."
- Tom Rasmussen, Seattle City Councilman states in an e-mail dated Aug. 29, 2008, "I hear your concerns and understand that you do not want to have the current park area changed. What I am working for is to have a parcel of property that is under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation and an eyesore developed as a park and playground."
Furthermore, the project application stated it had full support from the United Congregational Church of Christ. Only after Friends and Neighbors of North Admiral recieved the $15,000 dollars in matching funds was it brought to the attention of the church and city officials that this was not the case.
The church does not support the project, it is neutral.
Mr. Wainwright states he hoped the headline represented the Herald's view. Thank you West Seattle Herald for reporting the news and not having an opinion.
Jan Bailey
Dennis Ross