Highline Community College's Science Seminar returns for Fall Quarter with a full line-up of programs on the scientific world.
Now in its ninth year, the seminar continues to draw crowds every Friday afternoon for a number of reasons, said its coordinator, Dr. Eric Baer.
"I think that there are a few key things that keep it going," Baer noted. "Science is fundamentally cool, neat, fun, and exciting so that there are plenty of neat topics to talk about.
"Secondly, the Highline Community College faculty are an incredible bunch of scholars who have both depth and passion - enough to present more than 200 science talks and to keep them interesting enough that people keep coming back year after year.
"Finally, the people at Highline--- the students, faculty, administrators, and the general public that are in our area, are at their heart curious and want to learn; while some students do take Science Seminar for credit, the vast majority are there because they just want to hear what someone has to say," Baer concluded.
Presentations still to come this fall include:
Sept 26 Your Local Superfund Sites - Eric Baer
Oct 3 Bigotry in Science - Lonnie Somer
Oct 10 Polling - Helen Burn
Oct 24 Learning in Belize - Woody Moses
Oct 31 Patent Law - Jessica Neilson
Nov 7 Earth Forces - Carla Whittington
Nov 14 The Second Annual Physics Show- Rich Bankhead and Gregory Reinemer (in Bldg. 7)
Nov 21 Rat Middens - Tarisa Matsumoto-Maxfield
Dec 5 Cryptography - Kyle Evans and Kurt Giessel
Science Seminar begins at 2:20p.m. and is held in Building 3, Room 102 on Highline's main campus.
Admission is free.