Gators grab a win over Graham-Kapowsin
Ashley Graves (foreground is expected to<br><br>be a star of the future.<br><br>Photo by Kristi Moen
Mon, 09/22/2008
It sounds biblical, and, if not that, certainly prophetic, what Decatur Gators girls soccer head coach Christy Gross said regarding her team’s season outlook after a 1-0 win over Graham-Kapowsin at Federal Way Memorial Thursday.
The Gators win over G-K improved themselves to 2-1 in the 4A South Puget Sound League South Division while G-K experienced it’s first season loss, dropping to 2-1-1.
“They are a good mix....” said Gross of her Gators team of young ladies, which are made up of eight upperclassmen and nine underclassmen. “They all just have to realize their individual potential as a team. It will make good things come to pass. The key is realizing their potential.”
Maybe good things will come, like two years ago when the Gators placed fifth in the state in 4A, losing to eventual ‘06 state champ Woodinville on a last-second goal. Maybe better things are to come, too.
Maybe they will be in the state championship and lose in a shoot-out like SPSL South league rival, Todd Beamer, who lost to Eastlake in ‘07 last November that unfortunate way.
Who knows!
Certainly, the Gators have a good player in forward Ashley Graves, just a freshman, but already her time has come. She’s scored two goals in three games, including her latest, the game-winner and only goal of the win over G-K.
Graves fielded a deflection ball looping in to her for her score as she dribbled a time or two, splitting two G-K defenders on a fast run. And then, topping that credenza, she fluidly blasted the ball in stride past the G-K keeper rushing out for the ball. That all happened just seven minutes into the first half and it made 1-0 Gators.
Graves nearly scored on a couple other chances in the game close-in. And, so did others, like senior captain Rylie Buckholz with one of her shots from 30 yards out on the left side going far post into the post and ricocheting out early in the second half.
Graves also made some nice one-touch passes of balls flying to her in the air, or, to her feet, or that Graves ran onto, passed from players like Rachel Markey in the midfield.
“It’s fun with my team. We are having a fun time out there,” said Graves.
Any complaints?
“No, everything’s great,” said Graves.
Goals for your team?
“We have a lot of them, I can’t remember all of them, “she said.
Graves is potentially an Olympic or U.S. Women’s National team quality player. Time will tell, but she already plays for the Washington ODP (Olympic development program) which houses top players in the state on it. She also was a team member of the Federal Way Reign ‘93 Purple that won a US Nationals Cup tournament, beating teams in the regional qualifier from all over -- Minnesota, Oregon, etc., at regionals, securing their place as a part of history at Virginia Beach, VA.
The ‘94 Purple Reign also won their U-13 division in the prestigious National tourney, giving Federal Way two champions, the most of anywhere in the nation.
Graves and her Reign ‘93 Purple teammates beat teams from Connnecticut, Texas, Michigan and New Jersey in the final.
Her ability to do that well shows in how she plays. She’s still learning things like dribbling closer into the 18-yard box area because she can do that with her breakneck speed instead of shooting harmless shots from 30 yards out, which she took a couple of against G-K. She’s gifted, that’s for sure, and major colleges will come calling for that gift.
“You probably noticed Ashley’s speed,” said Gross.
Yes. Graves is gifted, and, in more ways than one.
“She’s also very good with her teammates,” said Gross. “She is a very unselfish player with the ball. Very humble. She is just a great encouraging player out there. She loves soccer.”
Soccer should love her too, especially the Gator fans, who were not too many on this night supporting their team. It was a school night but, get out there and see this phenom play. She’s worth the price of admission.
As Decatur Athletic Director Kelly Kirk put it, talking after a recent football game of Decatur vs. Puyallup Sept. 12, “She (Ashley) is something special out there to see. She is definitely worth coming out to watch play.”
“I’ve been playing since seven years old,” said Graves. “I love my club team. We were national champions, the Reign ‘93 Purple. I say that with pride...And I love my teammates on Decatur. I think all of them are great.”
Rylie Buckholz and Sarah Isaac are team captains.
“They show good leadership and bring the team up if there’s any problems,” said Graves.
Any problems?
“Uh-uh,” said Graves.
Gross agreed, “They all get along. And if they do have a ‘beef,” as they call it, with each other, then they come up to each other.”
The Gators already lost a game this season, 4-2, to Puyallup, before beating Curtis 2-1 the one before this G-K match.
“That was our first game of the season (against Puyallup) and we were just figuring things out,” said Gross.
So you will beat them next time around (each team played twice in league).
“Oh, yes,” she said. “We will do a lot better next time we play them.”
And, yes, Graves is good all by herself for the Gators, for sure, but she’s not lonely. She’s got company on this team that will altogether make it potentially lead itself past most other teams wanting to pass.
“Sarah Isaac is good in the back for us,” said Gross. “She’s a strong defender.”
Isaac is the team’s sweeper and a couple times against G-K her good defensive aggressive play shone like a tiara in the spotlight, including one in particular danger situation in the six-yard box. She slide-tackled a girl about to shoot the ball from real close-in. Isaac, yes, got the girl but before she got the girl she got the ball so the referee saw that technique well and the whistle went into his mouth but was not blown. Isaac’s slide-tackling ability a couple times in this game played out nicely to win balls. Also, she strongly went in a couple times, at least, for 50-50 balls and came out the victor with the ball and still dribbling and booting it upfield to Graves, Buckholz, or someone else in the midfield or forward area.
“Rylie is strong for us in the middle,” said Gross. “She has a strong shot.”
Buckholz not only played post music on that long shot she took that was mentioned earlier, but she also put another couple shots on goal in this game that the G-K keeper needed to handle with care. Buckholz hit so hard from 35 yards out that the G-K keeper’s fingers grazed it trying to stop it and the ball just missed going into the goal after that. The Gators did get a corner kick out of it.
“Hannah Herbert has already scored two goals for us this season,’ said Gross, mentioning the Gators’ freshman forward starting alongside Graves.
Abby McFaul is another player who in this game made a strong cross or two toward goal. She is also a freshman, like Graves.
“She made a brilliant cross to Hannah,” said Gross.
Also among the freshmen, Alexandra Bush, did a good job at left fullback this game as did sophomore Jennifer Kanesta playing in front of Sarah Isaac, the sweeper.
Also, the Gators’ keeper, Kayla Lipston, is a sophomore. She made three saves in this game.
“She’s doing great out there,” said Gross.
Carissa Frazier is a junior forward/midfielder.
Still, despite having outshot G-K, 8-2, in the first half, and 10-3 in the second half for the Gators, this game could have fairly easily been a tie in the end. With five minutes left, G-K earned a cornerkick but Isaac, along with her sister, Hannah, playing right fullback, and another freshman at left fullback, cleared the ball out one way or another as they did a good job all game.
With two minutes left, however, G-K, sensing desperation, almost scored on a dribble in front of their forward to the 18-yard box and all the way into the six-yard box before a shot went far-post, wide, by a little bit.
“We gave up a bit those last five minutes,” said Gross. “Not a strong ending but that happens.”