levy misinformation
The anti-park levy piece in last week's paper is so full of misinformation a reply is needed.
First, the committee that developed the levy proposal was in no way "stacked with organized sport lobby advocates." I was one of 28 members, which included one representative of Friends of Athletic Fields - hardly a stacked deck.
Second, the levy does not include millions for air conditioning the Seattle Asian Arts Museum. After considerable debate, the committee agreed to include funds for seismic life-safety improvements to the iconic Parks Department-owned structure in Volunteer Park. Seattle Art Museum and other advocates will have to raise funds for climate control improvements necessary to continue hosting many types of art installations.
I was one who argued that the worthy project might be a better fit with a future levy for improvements at Seattle Center and perhaps community centers left out of the last round of renovations. Neighbors and other advocates made a compelling case that the museum is an integral part of that classic Seattle park, and keeping it safe and functioning was key to keeping the park active and vibrant.
Finally, this is not about sticking it to the mayor, but about giving voter's an opportunity to weigh in on their priorities for public investment. The levy is the result of over a year's grassroots effort, building on the unfinished work identified in community-based efforts going back over a decade, including neighborhood plans and our own Open Space Inventory, Community Forestry Plan and Salmon Bay Concept Plan. As we continue to grow, we need to continue investing in good parks, trails and habitat areas. This measure will do that, while costing taxpayers less than the current parks levy.
Please join Groundswell NW and other Ballard area groups, including the Crown Hill Business Association, Crown Hill Neighborhood Association, Whittier Heights Community Association and the Sunset Hill Community Association in support of Proposition 2.
Dave Boyd
Groundswell NW