Compass Center will build low income housing for singles
COMPASS CENTER IN BALLARD. The Compass Center is in the early stages of planning a six-story low-income housing development in Ballard. Executive director Rick Friedhoff said neighbors are often happy with how the center's projects, such as this 32-unit building in the Cascade neighborhood, turn out.<br><br>
Tue, 12/16/2008
In late February the Compass Center, with the help of loans from United Way of King County and the city of Seattle, purchased the property at 1753 N.W. 56th St. from the Low Income Housing Institute with the intent of constructing low-income housing for single adults.
Rick Friedhoff, executive director of the Compass Center, said the project is in the early stages of development but it will most likely be a six-story, 50,000-square-feet building housing 60 to 75 residents. Construction should start in summer 2010 according to Friedhoff.
The Compass Center provides housing and services to low-income and homeless adults in King County. They operate about 16 sites, including a 26-person veterans center in Shoreline and a 32-unit residential building in the Cascade neighborhood. Construction is set to begin on a residential building in Renton that will be similar in size to the Ballard project.
The announcement of the project comes at a time when Ballard residents are conflicted over a plan to host a small car camp for the homeless in a local church parking lot, as well as over the changing density of the neighborhood.
Friedhoff said the Compass Center's building in Ballard will not negatively impact property values or safety in the neighborhood.
"A, it's going to be a really nice building and, B, it's going to be staffed 24 hours a day," he said.
He affirmed that there will be supportive services onsite, including mental health and drug addiction counseling.
Neighbors of past Compass Center projects have been pleased with how they turned out remarked Friedhoff.
"When we start this project, we will definitely do outreach with the community and get their input for the design of the building," he said.
According to a study released this month by the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy at New York University, the value of properties within 500 feet of low-income housing do not drop when it opens and show steady growth in the years afterward. Properties within 500 to 1000 feet of low-income housing show a decline in value when it first opens, but steady growth in the years that follow.
The study was based on 123 developments from 1985 to 2003.
Friedhoff said the Compass Center chose Ballard for its new development because of the benefits the neighborhood can offer its residents.
"The huge advantage for us is that within a short distance from the site there are grocery stores, drug stores, community parks and bus transportation," he said. "There are all the things that make a really vital neighborhood. We see this project as something that will contribute to the vitality of the neighborhood."
There is another project in early design stages across the street at 1760 N.W. 56th St. for market-rate apartments.
Michael Harthorne may be reached at 783.1244 or