Got something to lose? If that something is extra weight, don't wait to sign up for the Federal Way Community Center's Second Annual Biggest Loser fitness program and contest.
After helping 73 Federal Way residents lose a combined 602 pounds last year, the Biggest Loser contest is back-bigger and better than ever.
This year's expanded program includes:
Two 90-minute team workout sessions each week with a personal trainer
Complete fitness testing, before and after, including initial weigh-in, body composition test, girth measurements, blood pressure, body mass index calculation, three-minute step test, overhead squat assessment and a photo
Weekly group weigh-ins
Team T-shirt
E-mail contact with a certified life coach
Nutrition information session with a registered dietician
Sponsored by the community center and Marlene's Market and Deli, the program is open to all center members, age 15 and older. The 12-week program runs from Jan. 5 through March 28, and is $259 per person.
"We really stepped things up for the contest this year," said Kimberly Shelton, fitness and athletic coordinator for the center. "We added more elements, brought in Marlene's and boosted the team activities. I hope people will look at this not only for themselves but as a great gift for someone they love."
First- and second-place winners will win six- and three-month community center memberships respectively. The contest is limited to 50 participants, with 10 per trainer. Sign ups for trainer teams are on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, visit or contact Shelton, 253.835.6932 or