Your Oct. 22 editorial began, "Views are Sacred in West Seattle ...' yet your paper was silent on notifying your readers of the major demolition and subsequent expansion proposed by The Kenney.
Only in the "On the Go" section was the project mentioned (not highlighted) under Design Review. This project proposes to tear down the 1909 structure and cupola, the apartments on the west side, the three story building along Fauntleroy and the duplexes at the south end. The exception is the most recent portion along Fauntleroy (built early 2000).
The proposal is to double the number of units, primarily apartments. The major new building wing is proposed to be six stories or over sixty feet high and about the length of a city block. This six story building will be surrounded by three and four story buildings.
The mature trees in the north end will be removed for a below grade parking structure. It is unlikely that other existing trees will be saved with this intensive redevelopment.
What is a view? A view is more than mountains and sound, it is the ability to see for a distance, to walk in the sunlight, to see trees older than most people. Land use and zoning requirements serve a purpose, an institutional use should not be allowed to unreasonably exceed the limits in height and in land coverage.
Our neighborhood newpaper should help to notify neighbors of a meeting on a major neighborhood project. West Seattle residents are involved and like to be informed. There may be a better solution that the community can work with The Kenney to develop.
Peg Staeheli