These Seattle residents have everything to be concerned about (cellular antennas, West Seattle Herald, Oct. 22). I live in a neighbourhood in Vancouver, B.C., where I am surrounded by three buildings with antennas on them and I have become electrohypersensitive because of the antennas.
My sleep is fragmented and disturbed, I have vertigo, constant ringing in my ears, warm in the extremities. Make no mistake, the radiation from wireless antennas and WiFi is highly biologically active.
My family doctor has confirmed he has other patients living close to antennas that have also become ill.
Governments and the wireless industry will do nothing to protect you as their revenues are in the billions - the Canadian government pocketed a cool C$4.25 billion last June from the auction for the 3G frequency spectrum.
Current safety limits, which only address thermal effects (heating of tissue) are woefully inadequate and do not address non-thermal effects such as DNA damage, and leakage in the blood-brain barrier and electrohypersensitivity.
There are numerous studies indicating that electrohypersensitivity and cancer clusters are consistent with living in close proximity to antennas.
I urge these residents to oppose the additional antennas.
Do your research - check out
Carl Katz
Vancouver, B.C.