<b>Playful Spencer</b> - In between prowling the roof, and watching TV, Spencer enjoys some playtime.
Seven month old Spencer, who lives with John, Viveca, and Christina Monahan, loves to play. He's also "Fearless of other cats," said John," He just goes right up to them and assumes they want to play with him."
Spencer is an avid TV watcher, whose favorite show is "Gossip Girls" but who will watch other shows too. "He watches TV closer than I do," John said, "He likes to follow people moving on the screen."
The Monahans got Spencer from the Bellevue Animal Shelter and while they have other cats "who adopted us" Spencer is special. "We had a cat door," Viveca explained," but our other cats would not use it unti he taught them how."
Spencer spends a good deal of time on their roof and is the talk of many neighbors. "He approaches them and then sits on their shoulders," said Viveca.