Thanksgiving is crossed off the to do list and you've increased your exercise routine and now preparations are being made for the Christmas season. You are going through your list and checking it twice to see who has been naughty or nice.
The guest list is written out and who'll bring what to the many holiday gatherings. Here's a little food for thought. The winter holiday season is almost here and many of you will be hosting parties and your teens and “tweens” will either be present or they will also be attending parties.
Parents are the biggest influence over their children's lives, so it is important to model appropriate behaviors. If you are hosting parties and alcohol will be present, please drink responsibly and monitor and supervise your children so they don't join in the fun.
Everyday 5,400 people under 16 have their first drink of alcohol. Studies reveal that alcohol consumption by adolescents results in brain damage, possibly permanent and impairs intellectual development.
If your teen is attending a party:
Know where your child will be and who he/she will be with.
Call the parent in charge to verify the occasion and location of the party and ensure there will be adult supervision.
Make certain that the host will not be serving or allowing alcohol.
Ask how they plan to handle the situation if a teen shows up with alcohol or has been drinking.
Set a curfew for your child to be home and when they arrive home, have them check in with you.
Know how your child is getting to and from the party.
Reinforce the message to your teenager that they should never allow someone who has been drinking or using other drugs to drive them anywhere.
Indicate your expectations to your child and the parent hosting the party that if the teens leave and go somewhere else, you will want to know.
Establish family rules and consequences about alcohol and other drug use.
Enjoy your holidays, be safe and provide your children with a safe environment by safeguarding alcohol, prescription drugs and weapons in your home.
This message was brought to you by Southwest Healthy Youth Partnership. The coalition is funded by a Strategic Prevention Framework-State Incentive Grant through the Federal Center and Department of Alcohol and Substance Abuse (DASA).
For more information please contact Renae Gaines, Community Coordinator at (206) 396-2945 or