<b>Abigail the LabridooOtterAireHound</b> - Bob Whittaker is not quite sure of the bloodlines in his dog Abigail. She's a former rescue dog. But he's very sure she's a great pet and wonderful protector of is home from rambling raccoons.
Bob Whittaker, of the iconic Seattle Whittaker family (his father was the first American to climb Mt.Everest), got Abigail about a year ago as a rescue dog. "When I first got her, she was a mess. She was terrified of people and very shy. In the last year she has really blossomed," he said. Bob is not sure exactly what breed she is, noting,"She's like an Airedale, or a Labridoodle, or some people have even suggested she's a German Otter Hound."
Abigail has grown too, putting on weight and has come to love Connie, the cat in the house but more than that, she's now protecting the home too. Bob had installed a cat door and since he lives on a green belt, racoons would try to come in through the cat door to get the cat food and drink out of the toilet. Not since Abigail is on the job. But while she's apparently a fierce guardian she's also a very sweet natured dog. "She's a butterball," said Bob.