Police Blotter: Taken down
Mon, 12/15/2008
A man with an Arizona address was tased and taken to the ground at California and Lander after failing to obey officer orders on Thursday evening. He had called 911 several times, saying that officers "had better get to me before I kill someone." He claimed to be holding several weapons, but none were found. He was taken to Harborview for an involuntary mental evaluation.
Friday morning around 7, a woman living in the 9400 block of 21st SW saw a man come in through an unlocked door. He shined a flashlight on her and claimed to be an officer looking for a robbery suspect. After he left, she discovered that her purse and credit cards were missing.
Beware of someone going door to door offering to fix minor damage on your vehicle. A woman paid such a man $400 cash, and he left the car in worse shape than he had found it. The suspect was a Hispanic male in his 30s or 40s, of medium build. He had broken and chipped teeth and wore a yellow jacket and red shoes.
A woman didn't want to wait in line at Target, so she cut in front of several other customers who, understandably, told her she needed to wait her turn. Later in the parking lot, the impatient customer confronted a fellow shopper, grabbing her by the hair and punching her in the forehead and nose. A witness called 911 and provided a detailed description of the suspect and her car.
Thirsty car prowlers broke into a vehicle on Avalon, shattering a window and prying apart a door frame, all for a couple of liters of diet Coke that were taken from the front seat.
A romantic triangle led to a bloody encounter in the Morgan Junction area on Saturday afternoon, when one man showed up at what he thought was his girlfriend?s house and repeatedly kicked another man who he discovered at the scene. The victim was advised by medics to go to an emergency room for treatment of a head injury. The suspect, who had fled the area, was later booked into King County Jail for investigation of assault.
Unknown persons stole a UPS delivery from the porch of a home in the 4100 block of 46th SW.
Thursday, around 8 p.m., three men walked into a Delridge convenience store, threatened the clerk with a shotgun and stole money and cigarettes. The same three are suspected in another robbery an hour later across the King County line.
A 13-year-old was booked into the Youth Service Center after he waved a knife around in a school locker room and then held it close to one student's throat. The suspect claims he was just trying to scare the other kids.
In Arbor Heights, a resident saw a red sedan pull up to her curbside mailbox. The passenger reached inside and removed all of the mail, looking through it as the car drove off. At another Arbor Heights address, a woman found a bag of mail just south of her driveway and turned it over to police. The contents belonged to residents of two homes along Marine View Drive.
Burglaries/break-ins/car prowls, by block: 5100 46th SW, 4400 45th SW, 9800 37th SW, 4000 Delridge Way, 5700 SW Winthrop, 2200 42nd SW, 4500 36th SW, 3900 40th SW, Avalon and Bradford SW (3), 3000 46th SW, 3200 44th SW, 1600 Harbor Ave. SW, 3000 California Ave. SW, 1900 Bonair SW, 6000 47th SW, 10200 44th SW, 3600 SW Webster, 4200 Chilberg SW, 1100 Alki Ave. SW, 6300 29th SW, 7300 7th SW