Regarding the "road diet" for Fauntleroy Way, as a bicyclist, I would not use proposed bike lanes so close to a concentrated stream of traffic. The increased risk of a distracted cell-phone driver and the constant exposure to exhaust fumes forces me onto sidestreets. I recommend the road diet include a 2-way bike path on one side of Fauntleroy Way and a sidewalk on the other, since pedestrians don't like the noise/pollution/risk either, and hardly use two sidewalks. A bike path through the old Fairmount School/playground would be better. I now ride on 40th SW, more quiet, but unfortunately cars are parked on both sides of the street so traffic is alternately one way, with one driver having to pull into an open "parking" space to let another driver pass. I'm not sure road taxes are meant to pay for private parking on the street. Seattle Bicycle engineers have heard these points, but they don't seem listen to the cycling community.
Steven Richmond
Puget Ridge