Six local residents recently were honored by the city of Des Moines for their quick response that saved one life and attempted to save another in Puget Sound last summer.
Val Champion, Bruce Johnson, Tim Kinghorn, Steve Kokita, and Truman Skang were presented with Citizen Certificates of Valor. Brian Kinghorn, 14, received a Citizen Certificate of Merit.
All six were at the Des Moines Marina the evening of June 20 when a vehicle plunged into the water below and drifted 40 feet from shore. A 76-year-old man who was driving was pulled to safety by their prompt action. Efforts to save a female passenger, 86, were unsuccessful.
When the first Des Moines policeman arrived at the scene two minutes later, the vehicle was fully submerged.
According to police Sgt. Bob Collins, Champion, Johnson, Tim Kinghorn, Kokita and Skang jumped into the water without hesitation. Skang pulled the driver from the vehicle and Kokita and Johnson then pulled him to shore.
Champion and Kinghorn struggled without success to reach the passenger inside the vehicle before it sank too far into the cold water.
Brian Kinghorn responded to his father's direction to find a life ring, locating one at the guest moorage docks, then running back to the scene and throwing it to rescuers in the water.