To great fanfare, Sea-Tac recently opened its third runway.
Many studies were done that illustrated how "necessary" this runway was for the airport and its corporate partners, but no effective or comprehensive studies were done as to the effect this would have on surrounding communities.
In response to community outrage, Sea-Tac Airport assured us that the third runway would only be used "occasionally" for "severe" weather. They provided unspecific and often inaccurate information as to where the flight path would be, and assured us that it would be used "responsibly."
I recently purchased a home in Burien. Before the third runway we had no planes flying directly over our home.
With extra insulation, we could not hear planes inside the home. Now the house shakes as planes fly over our roof and the deafening roar of jet engines can be heard everywhere.
It is amazing that this airport feels it can get away with reneging on its word regarding the third runway (specifying limited use), and utilize this flight path with no prior noise study in the area, and with no consideration or compensation whatsoever to homeowners who are already suffering due to the economic downturn and the loss in home values.
This is not just a property value concern however-- there are many studies that document negative health consequences to children and others who live under flight paths, and the constant disruptive noise is unhealthy physically and emotionally.
Last I heard we don't sacrifice entire communities anymore to benefit the income of the airport or the corporations that fly in and out of it.
I am convinced that Sea-Tac did this because they feel the south end is composed mostly of diverse middle and lower income families who are not as "loud" of a political block as other areas.
This is racist, classist and irresponsible politics at its best.
Miriam L. Bearse