Developers left us with "a mess"
The current site of the future Market Street Landing condominium, at the corner of 15th Avenue Northwest and Northwest Market Street.
Tue, 02/17/2009
Editor's note: This letter was sent to the developers of the planned Market Street Landing, Rhapsody Partners with a copy to this newspaper.
Dear Mr. Vranizan,
I was given your name as the Benaroya contact regarding the Market Street Landing site at 15 Avenue Northwest and Northwest Market Street in Seattle. If this is incorrect, please forward this email to the correct person.
I read with dismay the headlines of the Jan. 28, 2009 issue of the Ballard News-Tribune that the Market Street Landing project is on hold, and may be on hold for good. It was traumatic enough to lose Denny's restaurant, Ballard's longtime community icon. But now our community must deal with an eyesore, a scar to our neighborhood. Now the site attracts people who loiter at its north fence and throw trash onto the lot.
What I do not understand is why Denny's was torn down, jobs eliminated, and a community gathering place destroyed before EVERYTHING was in place (all permits, building design reviews and financing). Since this was not done, Benaroya and Rhapsody Partners have left Ballard with a mess.
I have a suggestion for the land use.
I envision a low rise, mixed use building and transit plaza. Three bus lines converge at that intersection; routes 15, 44 and 46. The land closest to 15th and Market could be a plaza with a fountain, local art sculptures, drought tolerant plants and benches.
The building could be mixed use, with small retail spaces and a Metro kiosk The housing should be for mixed incomes, ie. affordable housing. We don't need any more luxury units in Ballard. We need affordable housing. The organization, Home for Good, would be a great partner in this venture (already planning to develop in Ballard).
The Market Street Landing site has the opportunity to be a collaborative effort between Benaroya, the City of Seattle, King County and a socially responsible developer, that benefits our community and not just a corporate bottom line.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Stephanie Rogstad
Ballard Place homeowner