On Friday, April 24 at about 11 p.m. the victims in this incident were returning to their parked vehicle, at 20th Northwest and Shilshole Avenue Northwest, when the suspect approached and pointed a handgun at them.
The suspect demanded their wallets, cellphones and car keys. After getting all of the above, the suspect drove off in their BMW.
Officers located the vehicle in the area of Northwest 85th and 30th Avenue Northwest. Officers followed the vehicle until it was confirmed that they had the correct vehicle.
Once it was confirmed that they had the right vehicle, they attempted to initiate a stop of the vehicle. The vehicle refused to stop and increased speed. The pursuit went approximately three blocks before the suspect drove into a dead end and struck a fence.
The suspect took off on foot from the vehicle. Arriving officers set up containment and K-9 track was started. The K-9 track led officers in the direction of several parked vehicles in the driveway of a house next to where the pursuit ended. The officers running with K-9 noticed movement in one of the vehicles and backed up to a position of cover.
This information was relayed via radio and the vehicle was quickly contained. The suspect initially refused to exit the vehicle, but came out after about 10 minutes of negotiations.
The suspect was arrested without incident. He was booked into King County Jail for investigation of robbery continues.