Plans to install a perimeter trail around the Interbay Golf Center was included in an option recommended by the Board of Park Commissioners at a meeting last week to update the Seattle Parks and Recreation Golf Master Plan.
“What we started doing in October was work with the golf steering committee and looking at the 1991 Master Plan and updating that with the 2005 Golf Financial Analysis Plan,” said Susanne Friedman, a project manger for the parks department. “This plan brings it into this decade and this plan is really focused on the capital improvements over course layout.”
The improvements to the Interbay course are part of a $19.9 million plan that would benefit the city's other golf courses, as well.
The parks department also operates the Jackson Park, Jefferson and West Seattle Golf Courses.
Friedman said that planning, design and construction would take place between now and 2016 once they get approval from the parks superintendent. Staff is now looking at how it can finance these improvements through existing golf revenue.