Jana Sorsen taught an edible flower class and served up some dried calendula leaves and some crackers with cream cheese with a little flower added. Sorsen taught a workshop at the West Seattle Edible Garden Fair. CLICK ON PHOTO FOR SLIDE SHOW.
The Community Harvest of the West Seattle Edible Garden Fair offered workshops, gardening demonstrations, plants and, yes, female goats for sale.
The idea was to teach residents how to grow their own groceries. It took place Saturday, May 23 at the South Seattle Community College landscape horticulture buildings, and courtyard and nursery. Aviva Furman organized the event.
Represented were Galena White of the Delridge Produce Co-Op, Laila Suidan of Down To Earth Landscapes, the Western Washington Fruit Research Project, the "Shibaguyz.com" Urban Farming Project, West Seattle P-Patch Program, Herban Feast catering and the West Seattle Emergency Preparedness group.
Lacia Lynne Bailey of the Seattle Urban Farm Co-Op, sells miniature dairy goats, legal to keep in the city of Seattle with a minimum 400 square-foot area. Once pregnant, they supply milk. Baily pointed out that some people have allergies to milk from cows.
"Chewee is 6 months old," said Baily of the goat she held in her arms. "With industrially-produced milk, you get milk from a thousand different animals. In my lectures I say 'If you're not scared you're not paying attention.' This way you know the conditions and what you are getting. We offer a class called 'Get My Goat.'"
Contact Lacia Lynn Bailey at LLB@consultant.com.