Alki Ave. S.W. from California Way S.W. to 63rd Avenue S.W. will be closed to cars this Sunday.
On Sunday, May 31 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Alki Ave. S.W. from California Way S.W. to 63rd Ave. S.W. will be opened up to pedestrians and cyclists.
Attendees can participate or cheer on runners at the West Seattle 5K Run/Walk in the morning and stay to watch world renown stunt bicyclists at Seattle Summer Streets in the afternoon. Enjoy a delicious seafood lunch, browse sidewalk sales and listen to the waves crash on the beach throughout the afternoon.
For information on vehicle access and parking along Alki Avenue during click here. The Water Taxi Shuttle will maintain its normal Sunday schedule and move in a coned-off eastbound travel lane along Alki.
Events include:
West Seattle 5K Run/Walk: Run starts at 9:30 a.m. at the Alki Beach Bathhouse. Online registration will continue until midnight on May 30.
Cascade Bicycle Club Seattle Summer Streets Spectacular: Participants can ride their bike and spending a fun afternoon at Seattle's premier beachfront location. Free, fun activities have been programmed including world-class mountain bike stunt-rider extraordinaire Ryan Leech.
Other activities include:
Cascade Bicycle Club info booth with helmet sales
Kids Learn to Ride classes
Amazing Norco Pro mountain biker Ryan Leech
Bike craft table: decorate your bike and more
Kids' Bike Parade
Bike Maintenance demos by Alki Bike & Board and Sustainable West Seattle
Bracelet making booth (out of recycled bike materials) with Alchemy Goods
Advocacy Alley - The latest on Essential waterfront & other hot issues
West Seattle High School PTSA and the Cascade Bicycle Club have partnered with the city to make this a great event.