Millie B Good is a German Wirehaired Pointer that will cover 20 miles in a two and one hour hunting session. She wears a GPS collar so her owner Gary Schroeder can keep track of her location
Millie is a German Wirehaired Pointer owned by Gary and Vickey Schroeder. Her formal name is JJS Millie be Good Schroeder.
They bought Millie from a breeder in Bellingham and Gary has trained her to be an outstanding bird hunter. He started when she was a pup by taking her to Alki and teaching her to point baited pigeons. He also trained her in his yard with a technique he perfected, using a stay board and a bird release devise.
Millie was trained to point to the pigeon in the devise and stay on the yellow board and point even after the bird was released. Today, while hunting in Montana, Millie will hold a point for 15 minutes or more.
Schroeder said "In a two and one half hour hunting session she will cover 20 miles. She will do two sessions a day".
They hunt pheasant, sharptails, quail, and Huns primarily. Millie has a dog collar with a GPS so Gary can tell where she is and how far she has traveled. It will also beep if she goes on point.
She is 5 years old now and has a lot of ribbons to show for her accomplishments. She has been awarded AKC Junior Hunter titlle and was named the 2008 Fun Trial Dog of the Year by the Greater Seattle Bird Dog Association.
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Photos may or may not be used and our "Pet Reporter" may be in touch with you to arrange to take a photo. Pets nominated will be chosen on the basis of uniqueness of the pet and the quality of the story and information submitted.