Decline to sign Ref. 71
Mon, 07/06/2009
Dear Editor,
Gay and lesbian families deserve to have the same rights as heterosexual families. Denying basic civil rights to families based on sexual orientation is not only derogatory, but it is insulting and demeaning.
LGBT families end up paying more Federal and State taxes because they are not recognized under the law. At the same time, the government wants to deny basic civil rights (such as the ability to see your partner in the hospital, get married, receive benefits in the case of a partner's death, pension benefits and more). Talk about a double whammy!
Referendum 71 seeks to revoke the Everything but Marriage Act and write homophobia and hate in to law. We must stand up and say ENOUGH. No longer will you treat my son, daughter, wife or husband as a second-class citizen. No more.
Sarah Toce
West Seattle