No change to park
Fri, 07/17/2009
Dear Editor,
May I respond to the July 15 Letters to the Editor: Ms. Ritzenthaler wrote, "Are we really going to let a couple of people who don't like any change at all control our neighborhood?"
There are 685 people who signed the petition to "No Change to our Park." That is not two people who want to control our neighborhood. I am one of the 685 who signed that petition. The main object of a group of neighbors was not to beautify California Place Park, but to place a childrens playground on that park.
In the November meeting at Hiawatha at best 75 percent of the people who spoke were against what "a group of neighbors" wanted to do. Meanwhile, taxpayer money was used to keep on designing what "a group of neighbors"wanted. That design will now cost $300,000 to $400,000.
At the three meetings held at Alki Community Center, those who opposed were not permitted to speak. Our voices were stiffled. This "group of neighbors" use taxpayer money in the guise of beautifying California Place Park to further their agenda.
The park is beautiful as it is. LEAVE IT ALONE. That is what 685 people want. That is not only "one women" who does not want to change the park. Thank God for the "one women" who made us aware of what "a group of neighbors" want to do. Destroy our park.
Again, 685 people do not want to change the park. What do you not understand? Make West Seattle a beautiful garden. Make your garden and your P-Patch bloom in your front yard and your backyard. Do not use taxpayer money. Leave the park alone.
As Mr. Richmond said we ignore greater community concerns. Yes, we must clean up the green belt. I suggest that each person adopt a tree and kill the ivy strangling that tree. I killed ivy from at least seven trees on Bonair Avenue Southwest. Thank you Mr. Waid for your letter. We all need to be considerate and pick up trash on the beach. Best of all so not leave trash. Recycle,Recycle,Recycle. And keep you dogs on a leash.
Annie Tigtig
North Admiral