Alice in Wonderland
Mon, 07/20/2009
Dear Editor,
I was glad to see you haven’t discontinued the Editorial page and letters from the people. It is my favorite part of the Herald! (I sure miss Tim.)
I am beginning to feel like Alice in Wonderland, more and more every day!
First Mayor Nickels checks into the hotel early to beat the firefighters picket line so it doesn’t appear that he crossed the line, which of course he did! Obama didn’t go!
Then Grace Crunican of the Department of Transportation spends really big bucks (when they are always short of money for crosswalk safety and improvements) to look into what they have already done wrong!
Also Susan Hutchison doesn’t want to admit she’s a Republican or answer questions from the public at forums. Such arrogance!
And to top it off, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wants Death with Dignity for dead salmon and flies! I rest my case.
Carol Longfellow