Andy Ziskis mans Blackbird's new candy store at Bergen Place Park. Ziskis moved to Seattle from Phoenix this past weekend to take the job.
Ballard's sugar addicts just got another place to satisfy their sweet tooth.
Blackbird, the clothing store adjacent to Bergen Place Park, has created a candy store that opens onto the park.
"We wanted to start a little punk-rock candy store," said Nicole Bentley, new business developer at Blackbird. "And, Ballard didn't really have a candy store."
Bentley said Blackbird owner Nicole Miller, as well as the rest of the staff, love candy.
The candy shop has been open since Thursday, but Blackbird is still waiting for the rest of its candy stock to arrive before it has a grand opening for the small store.
The store currently has a good selection of bulk and prepackaged candies, as well as Empire Ice Cream, which is sold at the Ballard Farmers Market.
Bentley said they hope to have a wider selection of regional candy as well as Japanese and old-fashioned candy in the coming weeks.
Creating the candy store took about three weeks from start to finish, Bentley said. Blackbird walled off the northwest corner of its retail space to make room for the store.
She said business has been good for the store so far, especially because it has the fortune to be located across the street from the Majestic Bay while "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is being shown.
Many of their customers so far have said how much Ballard needed a candy store and that gives them hope for the space, Bentley said.
Victoria Sangrey Hunter of Friends of Bergen Place said the candy store came as a welcome surprise to her. She said she is especially happy they are servicing ice cream, which people can eat will sitting in the park.
"I like it," Sangrey Hunter said. "I believe it will aid in activating the park again. Or perhaps I should say continuing to activate the park. It is a very positive step."