"Nickelodean" Donna Beavers met her husband Bruce at a Nickelsville encampment near the university and they married six months ago. On June 20, the state department of transportation issued the encampment a notice to vacate the state owned property within 72 hours.
The shelter, known as Nickelsville, has been posted a 72-hour notice to vacate by the Washington State Department of Transportation.
Residents of a south Seattle homeless nearly 4-acre encampment on state-owned property at 2nd Avenue Southwest and West Marginal Way in Seattle were hoping Gov. Chris Gregoire would let them stay.
The encampment moved onto the state-owned property June 6. According to a press release from the state, for the past six weeks, the state has worked closely with King County, the City of Seattle and both the Church Council of Greater Seattle and the Lutheran Public Policy office of Washington State to develop a long-term solution for the members of the encampment.
Paula Hammond, Washington Transportation Secretary, negotiated a two-week extension with the Church Council of Greater Seattle for the camp to leave the site by July 20, which organizers failed to abide by.
The City of Seattle notified the state transportation department Monday, July 20, that the state, by allowing the encampment to continue at the site, is in violation of city health and safety codes. As a result of the violation, the encampment can no longer stay on state property.
“The state negotiated an ample timeframe for a more permanent solution for the residents of the encampment, and we even extended the deadline to give church council leaders more time,” said Hammond. “While we are sensitive to the issues relative to homelessness in our state, WSDOT is not equipped to manage homeless encampments. We are governed by state law on the use of our property, as well as city zoning requirements.”
While an agreement on a more permanent encampment is being negotiated, a local church has offered its property as a temporary place to stay while a long-term solution is developed.
During the last six weeks, staff at DSHS has coordinated outreach efforts, and has visited the encampment on several occasions to assist food banks, and offer help with employment placement and health care.
The site has been posted for a 72-hour notice to vacate. Social services are on site to help members move. Washington State Patrol will become involved after Thursday evening if people insist on remaining on the site.