Dorothy Watkins, who moved into Ballard in 1918, turned 100 years old on Monday, July 27. She celebrated with eldest daughter Sylvia (middle) and grandson Max Reithaar (right) and her many friends at Loyal Heights Manor. CLICK IMAGE TO VIEW MORE PHOTOS.
Several residents at Loyal Heights Manor yesterday broke into singing Happy Birthday for Dorothy Watkins' 100th birthday.
After moving to Ballard in 1918 and living here for five years, Watkins moved to Grays Harbor for 10 years before she came back home to Ballard.
“I feel good, I had been sick, but I really feel good," said Watkins when asked how she felt turning 100.
She also celebrated the milestone with more than 80 family members at her son’s Woodinville home. Watkins said some of the people that came hadn’t seen each other in years. It was one big family reunion, she said.
At her second celebration at Loyal Heights Manor, where she lives, Watkins expressed how much she enjoys her home there. She looks forward to the gatherings and celebrations they often have.
Watkins said she wasn't sure if she did anything different than anyone else, but credited her longevity to a healthy diet and staying away from soda and sweets.
“Most always, we didn’t buy a lot of candy because that was our recreation- making candy,” Watkins said. “Some of it was terrible and some of it was good.”
Accompanying her on her special day at the Manor was her eldest daughter Sylvia Watkins and grandson Max Reithaar.
“I think it’s great grandma's still around to give us the historical perspective," Reithaar said.