Juanita Holmes on violin (left), Sissel Peterson on accordion (center) and Megan Eymann also on violin (right), who make up Tre Norske, play at Bergen Place during a Friends of Bergen Place work party July 18.
In 2002, Megan Eymann and Juanita Holmes were hand-picked by Norwegian-born Ballardite Sissel Peterson for her band when she eyed their violin-playing talent during a Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Seattle get-together.
“She found out we both played the violin and invited us over to play with her," said Holmes. "And, we’ve been playing with her ever since."
This resulted in the creation of Tre Norske (Three Norwegians).
Peterson has been a member of the Norwegian Ladies Chorus, where she met Holmes and fellow Ballardite Eymann, for 25 years, said Holmes.
“Both of us have been rusty for not playing in awhile, and by playing with Sissel every week we’ve gotten more confident,” Holmes said. “We both are now playing in an orchestra together, and it’s really brought music back in our lives.”
The ladies meet every Monday evening from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. for a "jam session" followed by tea, cookies and a chat. The three women have learned a lot from each other over the years.
“I enjoy being in a trio because we sort of share and discuss things,” Eymann said. “It’s a partnership and is a fun thing to be a part of.”
Playing primarily Scandinavian dance music, the trio has performed for weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries, memorial services, festivals, banquets, picnics, parades and most recently at Bergen Place in Ballard.
“Sissel has an endless resource of wonderful songs she’s been collecting all her life,” Eymann said.
After Peterson’s brother bought an old, “sparkly” accordion, he taught himself to play and then taught her in high school, Peterson said.
Weighing in at 30 pounds, Peterson’s accordion is what keeps her in shape, she said.
“If it wasn’t for these two girls, I would not be able to do it," Peterson said about Eymann and Holmes. "They do a lot of the heavy work.”
Eymann said she admires Peterson's talent for music and that Peterson interprets the songs and makes it really nice for her and Holmes to accompany her.
“She’ll put some variety, richness and expression in the song itself instead of bouncing throughout,” Eymann said. “It really blends well to play with violins.”
Through the many events and performances they’ve played, Holmes said what she will always enjoy the most is when people get up and dance.
Join in on their live Scandinavian music and get those dancing shoes out as Tre Norkse will be performing again at Bergen Place Aug. 11 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
For more information on Tre Norske performances or booking information, contact Megan Eymann at 789-5817.