The city's planning department today approved permits for improvements to the King County Water Taxi dock.
The Seattle Department of Planning and Development today approved dock improvements permits for the King County Water Taxi.
The permits granted allow the replacement of a timber floating dock (2,686 square feet), with a concrete dock (2,470 square feet) and to replace 11 steel piles. The project also includes installation of three kayak finger piers (195 square feet).
View the decision here.
Construction permits for the project have yet to be approved. Work on this project is scheduled to start this fall.
This decision is appealable to the Washington State Shoreline Hearings Board until at least Sept. 3.
Plans to make the King County Water Taxi a year-round service starting next year are still in the works.
According to the city's decision:
"The floating dock is proposed to be replaced with a dock that meets updated design and safety standards.
The new floating dock is proposed to be in the same general location as the existing dock. It will have a T-head at its southeaster end for easier docking and loading. The new dock will have a longer gangway ramp to meet ADA requirements. (80 feet versus 40 feet)."