"Afterlife," a play about three women in the 20th century opens at Live Girls! for just two nights, Aug. 28 and 29.
Live Girls! theater has announced it will bring Candy Simmons’ dynamic and heartbreaking solo show "AfterLife" to Seattle audiences.
The play will be in Ballard for two shows only, Friday Aug. 28 and Saturday, Aug. 29. Both shows are at 8 p.m.
"AfterLife" has been described as a mesmerizing exploration of the changing roles of women in the 20th century, that drops in on pivotal days in the lives of three very different women.
Written by Candy Simmons and Chris Van Strander and directed by Canadian Fringe tour veteran Virginia Scott, "AfterLife" has earned performer Candy Simmons’ critical acclaim across the U.S and Canada including a Best Female Performer award in the 2008 Victoria Fringe Festival.
Live Girls! theater is located at 2220 N.W. Market St., Lower Level. Visit www.livegirlstheater.org for directions and info about Live Girls!
Visit www.sunsetgunproductions.com for more about the show.
Tickets are $15 General, $12 Student/Senior, 18 and under $5.
Advance tickets available at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/producer/1792, 1-800-838-3006.
Live Girls! is a Seattle theater dedicated to producing and developing new work by women since 1999. It is a program of The Shunpike.