Maternity health matters
Thu, 08/27/2009
There are so many arguments about health care reform that the opportunities are in danger of being lost. But our country has a great opportunity to fix at least two serious problems.
The first is we need to make sure that every woman can get maternity coverage. For example, if pregnancy is defined as pre-existing, then a woman might not be able to afford needed maternity care.
A second reason to improve the current system is to make sure that children who are born with a birth defect or serious condition, including disabilities caused by being born preterm, can get the quality, affordable and comprehensive medical care they need to survive and thrive.
This is not about special interests; it's about our families. As a March of Dimes volunteer, the health of women, newborns, and children matters to me.
I hope that our leaders in Washington remember this and don't lose sight of what this generation should be doing to ensure healthy future generations.
Amy Benson