VIDEO and SLIDESHOW: Alki Time Capsule dedicated
Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis introduces West Seattle native and Space Shuttle Pilot Gregory C. Johnson at the dedication of the Alki Time Capsule on Sept. 19. CLICK IMAGE TO VIEW SLIDESHOW.
Sat, 09/19/2009
The Alki Time Capsule was filled and assembled at the Alki Log House Museum and later placed in the ground on Sept 19 during a ceremony featuring Seattle dignitaries and West Seattle native and Space Shuttle Pilot Gregory C. Johnson.
Items were placed inside the Alki Time Capsule at the Log House Museum. The capsule was then sealed shut with caulk and 12 bolts, to be opened in a half-century.
Museum Director Andrea Mercado hosted. She described the memorabilia and why she felt certain items would be significant in 50 years. Items included newspaper and campaign items about President Obama, photographs of Alki and other West Seattle businesses, people, and scenery, Gold "archival" CD's of interviews, and essays illustrated with sketches by Alki Elementary School students about their lives now and their hopes and dreams in decades to come. (See full item list below).
One student, Loren Peterson, 11, read his essay. He and his sister Clara assisted Mercado as they filled the 20 pound rectangular vessel while wearing protective gloves.
Just prior to sealing the capsule, Mercado dropped in metallic pouches of small "ageless oxygen absorbers" and those little bags of absorbent salt packs one sees tucked inside new electronic packaging.
Mercado commented that the small cluster of well-wishers around her added humidity to the room and therefore the inside of the capsule, which she said was a good thing because the aging process of photographs and paper accelerate with rapid temperature and humidity change.
Astronaut, space shuttle pilot and West Seattle native Gregory C. Johnson spoke at the event and offered some of his West Seattle memories including cruising on Alki and swimming in Puget Sound. He also recounted the fact that he did not attend kindergarten (a needed levy was not passed that year) and yet was able to become an astronaut.
Johnson also expressed his admiration for the perseverance of Libby and Paul Carr who spearheaded the drive to get the Alki Statue of LIberty rebuilt and the plaza around it constructed.
Complete list of Time Capsule contents:
Dow Constantine: King County Executive Candidate Announcement Photograph, Peggy Cullor: Quarante Club Papers, Paul Edstrom: "Snapshot of a Seattle Day" (text), Sarah Frederick: "Snapshot of a Seattle Day" (photos), Don Kelstrom: "Snapshot of West Seattle Day (photos), Andrea Mercado: "Snapshot of a Seattle day" (photos/text), KOMO-TV (ABC): 2008 Daily Television Budget Report, West Seattle Blog: 2008 Daily Online Report, West Seattle Herald: 2 copies of weekly editions of the newspaper, West Seattle High School Drama Club: Signed programs of Class Play, Ron Richardson: "Snapshots of a Seattle day" (photos/text), Steve Shay: Daily report, photos, Audio interviews. LIbby Carr: Liberty Plaza Project - Sharing some "Stories behind the bricks", Audrey and Norm Zemke: "Snapshot- West Seattle - White Center mail and receipts.
Alki Congregational United Church of Christ: Centennial photograph, Alki Elementary School:"Where will I be in 10 years-(essays and drawings), Alki Kayak Tours: Decal and flyer, Boy Scout Troop 284: 1952 & 2008 Boy Scout pins, digital prints, Carol & Charlie Vincent: Plastic Bag initiative, Viaduct Info text, Libby and Paul Carr: 2008 Celebration documents;Bio of honored guest 2009 Gregory C. Johnson, Libby and Paul Carr: Story behind the bricks: How the plaza got finished, Theresa Craw: Grace Anna Sullivan Robertson Family Story, Paul Dorpat: DVD of Seattle Digital photos, Hi-Yu Committee: Hi=Yu ephemera and photos, Eilene & David Hutchinson: DVD of digital photos of plaza construction and the dedication of the plaza, Georgie Bright Kunkel: "Letter for the future", Max & Quinn's Atomic Boys Shop-O-Rama: 2008 Toys, Marty Mjelleli: West Seattle High School Graduate Hockey Clippings photos and biography, Tom Rasmussen: City Councilman letter, Eric, Heather and Jing Redman: Family biography, Harvey Rowe, Moe Beerman: "For the Future" letter, Southwest Historical Society/Log House Museum: Community Historical ephemera;Alki, White Center, Alaska Junction, Morgan Junction, Fauntleroy, Admiral District, Arbor Heights, Fairmount Park, Gatewood, Harald Sund: Print and digital photos "For the Future" letter, Westside Elementary School: 5th Grade student notecards " What liberty means to me", Aleta Woodworth" calendar, Noelle Fenwerda: Art Block print, block and press - Statue of Liberty, Anonymous: Roll of pennies, Tattoo ephemera, Girl Scout postcard, Statue of Liberty poem, Coffee cards, Greeting cards (a collection).