Highline schools hold math academies for parents
Mon, 09/21/2009
On Monday, September 16, a small group of parents gathered at Highline Public Schools offices to learn more about the district's algebra curriculum. Math teachers and specialists introduced parents to the "Discovering Algebra" textbook series and the online support materials available to parents and students.
The "Discovering" series was adopted by the school board last spring.
At the Parent Math Academy, parents learned what students will learn in the new curriculum. They were shown how to access online help for students who are stuck on homework problems, and how to find the actual text online so a student can complete his homework if he leaves his book at school or is home due to illness.
"I've been pretty confused about the math and the way they have been teaching it previously, but this new program has a lot of tools," says Valerie Constantino, who has a son in middle school and one in high school. At the parent academy, "I really learned how to help my kids with their math."
The next parent math academy will be held September 28 at 6p. m. at Highline Public Schools central office, 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW in Burien. Additional academies are scheduled for October 12 and October 26.