A film by Ballard High School students Levi Friedman and Matt Law-Phipps has been named as an official selection of the 10th Annual River Festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The film festival is the largest in Latin America. It features major films of the Cannes, Sundance and Venice film festivals as well as works by filmmakers under the age of 18. The festival received 143 entries from youth in Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Italy, the United States and Canada.
Friedman and Law-Phipps' film is a short comic piece called "Gourmandizing."
The festival committee contacted Friedman and invited him to enter his film after they saw his Student Emmy-winning PSA "Don’t Spill" on YouTube.
The festival opens on Sept. 25 and continues through Oct. 8.
This is the second film by Ballard High School students requested by an international festival this year. In May, Diana Federighi, Kaelan Gilman and Del Brummet were invited to exhibit their award-winning short film "Unplugged" at the Seoul International Youth Film Festival.