Keep SeaTac spirit
Mon, 10/26/2009
We have seen many changes in SeaTac since we incorporated almost 20 years ago. Our population has grown and is much more diverse now. Most of our changes have been good. A few, not so good.
And a few are slow in coming. For instance, there are still no sidewalks in front of my house on Military Road, but I believe they will come.
We have a spirit of cooperation and helpfulness in SeaTac. For instance now that Animal Control is no longer able to pick up dead animals on the roadside, the maintenance crew picked them up when I called.
And I really appreciated their willingness to handle this unpleasant chore.
In the lean times when money is scarce and jobs are hard to come by, there's a temptation to want to blame somebody for the problems. I hope we can get past that.
And when the elections are all done and over with in November, I hope we can continue with our spirit of friendliness and cooperation in SeaTac.
The work put out by all the campaigners can then be fruitful in bringing more involvement in managing our beautiful city in the years ahead.
Tom Layden