On Nov. 4, the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board will review controls and incentives on the Sanctuary at Admiral, now a historic building.
The Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board will review controls and incentives for the historic 80-year-old Sanctuary at Admiral, located at 2656 42nd Ave. S.W., on Nov. 4.
Now used as a reception hall, the building was originally the Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist. Built in 1929, the church held its first service on Jan. 1, 1930 and was dedicated on Feb. 8, 1942.
See related story here.
Architect Gerald C. Field designed a building that is considered Art Deco style, with formal geometry and diverse brickwork patterns. It was built by Niel McDonald and construction costs totaled $37,000.
The Church of Christian Scientist was started in 1875 with the publication of “Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures,” by church founder Mary Baker Eddy. According to the building’s landmark nomination, the Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist came to West Seattle as a need for religious services grew along with the population grew.