A lion munches on a turkey during a previous Woodland Park Zoo Turkey Toss.
The Woodland Park Zoo will be holding a food drive for the Phinney Neighborhood Association Nov. 21 during its annual Turkey Toss.
Non-perishable food items can be dropped off outside the zoo's south entrance. Zoo admission is not required to donate food.
After donating food, zoo-goers can see snow leopards, Komodo dragons, grizzlies, lions and more carnivorous species chow down on raw, store-prepared turkeys at the Turkey Toss presented by Franz Bakeries.
The event is part of the zoo’s ongoing program to help enrich the lives of the zoo’s animals, promote natural animal behavior, keep animals mentally and physically stimulated and engage zoo visitors.
The donated food will benefit the Phinney Neighborhood Association soup kitchen program, which operates two days a week at St. John United Lutheran Church and one day a week at Calvary Lutheran Church in Ballard.
Food donations that are in demand are non-perishable juice, jam, canned fruit, beans, canned vegetables, chili, ketchup and powdered creamers.
The food drive lasts from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 21. The Turkey Toss will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The collection bins at the south entrance are located at North 50th Street and Fremont Avenue North.