Reality Mom: Meet the Fabulosities columnist Corbin Lewars. Lewars, a Ballard resident, writes about motherhood and the challenges and joys of being a single mom.
Sat, 11/14/2009
Last January, at a reading I was doing at the Hugo House, a woman with a faux fur coat, cat eye glasses and a fluffy hat approached me to say, “I love your work. We’re going to be friends.”
Within a minute, I found out she was at the reading as a way to celebrate her divorce, which was finalized that day. My husband had recently agreed to move out, and I was desperate to talk to someone who had traversed this messy thing called divorce.
I grabbed her hand and said, “I need to know you.”
“I know,” she smiled. “I will be your divorce buddy.” She then introduced me to her friend, who she had kidnapped and brought to the reading because, “She needed to come.”
The friend smiled and said, “I met Misty when she offered me warm chocolate from her bosom.” And, this was my first encounter with the Fabulosities, a group of amazing women I am honored to know.
A couple of months after the reading, I found myself walking around my home in a daze.
Where my sofa used to be were now only dust bunnies. When I opened the used-to-be-overflowing cupboard, all I saw were a handful of glasses. The stereo, all of the CDs and the queen bed were all gone. I wasn’t robbed, I was getting divorced.
Being highly intuitive, Misty chose this day to come over and whisk me away from my stupor. “We’re going to a party,” she said and ushered me out of the house.
Once we arrived at the party, she scampered off and I, still numb from Jason’s move, stumbled over to the table of food to add my paltry contribution of a bottle of wine to the mix.
A woman with brown ponytails, glasses and a Calvin tattoo smiled at me. “I’m Corbin, I ‘m basically crashing this party. I know no one here,” I said as I extended my hand to her.
“You’re Reality Mom,” she said. “I’ve been reading your stuff for a while. I’m a writer, too.”
Not only is Willow a writer, she has a son Odo’s age, lives five blocks from me and is also getting divorced. “We will be friends,” I said. “I know,” she smiled.
An hour later, I met the hostess of the party. A beautiful blonde waif with a twinkle in her eye that immediately told me this woman was capable of magic. And she is. Another Fabulosity.
Most of the Fabulosities are divorced, but more importantly, all of them are making positive changes in their lives and continually question and seek their truest desires.
They are honest, funny, warm, incredibly powerful women who know when to be quiet, when to offer support and when to serve me margaritas until I don’t care about anything anymore.
On the nights we get together, I am more giddy than if I were going on a date.
There is no ambiguity with the Fabulosities, I know I will be heard, I know I will learn something, I know I will laugh, most likely cry, have my creativity, intellect and self-confidence sparked, and I know I will feel loved and cherished for hours afterwards.
Most of all, my life and seemingly unconventional choices, will be validated, and I will be inspired to take even more risks, to follow my heart fully and to do things my way.
I don’t have to apologize or feel guilty for loving my time away from my kids, for talking about my sexual desires, for wanting to drink wine until two in the morning or for any of the other self-indulgences I am allowing myself lately. I can just be me.
After a recent gathering at my house with the Fabulosities, I woke up in the morning to find several empty – but just as many full – wine bottles, a pack of cigarettes, a book about dominatrixes and a card stating, “I love your fabulous self.”
I smiled at the memory of the evening and savored the support I still felt from it.
For years, my mind and my heart were in conflict, and often my mind would say I couldn’t have what I truly desired. The Fabulosities are helping me break down that disconnect.
While with them, I am able to listen to my heart and not only know what I want, I know I can have it. Their friendship is proof of this.
Corbin Lewars ( is the founder of Reality Mom (, author of Creating a Life (Catalyst Book Press, 2010) and the sexy mommy-lit book Swings (out for submission). She lives in Ballard with her two children.