The two roommates apparently have different body temperatures...and temperaments. One was too hot, so he turned down the thermostat. The other got angry and repeatedly punched and kicked the victim, who ended up with bruises on the back of his head, cheek, back, and buttocks. The suspect is 89. The victim is 94.
A man struggled with his wife and earned a trip to King County Jail for investigation of domestic violence assault. It seems he had suspected his wife of infidelity and managed to get hold of her cell phone to check her text messages. When the messages confirmed his suspicions, he began dialing he wife's relatives to inform them of her activities.
At California and Oregon, a man allegedly stepped into the street (outside of a crosswalk) and snapped off the antenna of a car that passed by and failed to stop for him.
Running a random license plate check in North Admiral, an officer discovered that a passing driver was not only driving with a suspended license but also had $4,500 worth of warrants for contempt of court and for a previous instance of driving without a license. He was given a ride to King County Jail.
Sunday morning, in the 3800 block of California Ave. SW, a woman heard a crash and ran from her bedroom to see the cause. She found a white male, 18-23, stuck halfway inside her apartment window. Screaming at the suspect, the victim called 911. Although the suspect managed to get away, officers did dust for fingerprints on the garbage can he had used to boost himself up to the window.
The woman came into the SW Precinct complaining of our “evil society,” the “exploitation of single mothers,” and her neighbor who was “poisoning the air” with her cooking. Though they couldn't do much about the first two problems, officers did want to investigate the third, on the off chance that the smell would indicate the presence of a meth lab. Officers visited the neighbor—who didn't know of any problems with the complainant—and reported that they smelled nothing out of the ordinary.
On Thursday the 12th, at the 2009 Seahawk Spirit Dinner and Auction, the Southwest Precinct was the proud recipient of Sealth High School's “Community Partner Award” for helping maintain a safe and orderly learning environment. Captain Joe Kessler accepted the award, which also gratefully noted the precinct staff's efforts in community building and information exchange, allowing officers to be viewed as “a positive and integral piece of the fabric of the school.”
Burglaries/break-ins/car prowls by block: 5300 Alki Ave. SW, 5200 49th SW, 3600 SW 107th, 4300 26th SW, 1900 42nd SW, 2600 44th SW, 4100 SW Dakota, 4000 SW Charlestown, 4100 SW Holden, 4000 SW Holgate, 3800 California Ave. SW, 3600 50th SW, 5600 41st SW