Elevation of Wayfinding kiosks to be installed in the Admiral neighborhood area. A November 20th meeting will allow the public to help define and create the content for the kiosks.
The first of several planning meetings to help determine the location, content, and art for wayfinding kiosks to be installed in the Admiral neighborhood area will take place this Friday, November 20, at the West Seattle (Admiral) Library from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
This meeting and others to follow will allow residents and other interested individuals to help define and create the content and art for two six-foot high, three-feet wide wayfinding kiosks which will be part of a West Seattle-wide wayfinding system.
The system already has three kiosks in various stages of development in the Fauntleroy area. The two Admiral kiosks will also be joined by three Alki-area kiosks. These five kiosks are part of the West Seattle Trails Wayfinding and Kiosk project which previously produced the West Seattle Trails map.
A fuller schedule of meetings is being developed.
The Admiral and Alki kiosks, five in total, are to be planned, designed, developed and implemented in the next four months.
The Admiral and Alki neighborhood organizations are partners for this phase, which includes the location and wording for up to 20 on-street markers, stanchions, which fill in the wayfinding space between kiosks and major destination points.
Local artist Paul Sorey is under contract for the design and fabrication of the stainless steel components of the kiosks and for assistance with the artwork.
The project is funded with a $98K large matching fund grant from the Department of Neighborhoods and helps implement many of the recommendations put forth in Seattle's Pedestrian Master Plan.