Grants awarded to Federal Way groups
The Federal Way Kiwanis Club awarded a $1500.00 grant to Pacific Ballroom Dance. The group sought funding for a special program that targets “kids at risk” to provide dance training and an opportunity to perform in the community.
Thu, 11/19/2009
On November 18, the Federal Way Kiwanis Club today awarded three local civic groups with grant funding to support their programs.
Kent Cross, Principal of Rainier View Elementary School was awarded $1325.00 to the schools ASB fund. The grant will provide an ongoing math program integrated with the popular ELMOS learning tools in classrooms already.
In addition these grant monies will provide a live theater experience for the graduating fifth grade class later in the school year. Further, these grant monies allows for the purchase of an ongoing Pre-Kindergarten instructional aid reading program.
Club Member Walt Backstrom initiated grant request and introduced Principal Cross at today’s lunch meeting.
Ms Heather Longhurst accepted a $1500.00 grant to Pacific Ballroom Dance.
This program targets “kids at risk” to provide dance training and an opportunity to perform in the community.
This program serves more than 100 students in the community. They also provide community performance dance events.
The grant will enable Pacific Ballroom Dance to provide scholarships for students that do not have the ability to participate otherwise.
Mr. Ted Vidan, Chairman of the Federal Way Domestic Violence Coordinated Community Response Committee (DVCCR) received a $100.00 grant to support the group’s program costs for the upcoming regional event at city hall November 20th at noon.
Federal Way Kiwanis Club meets every Wednesday at the Old Country Buffet at noon. The public is welcome and the group looks forward to accepting new members who are interested in serving the children of the Federal Way community. For more information, log on to