White Center CDA to hold seventh annual "Summit" event
Thu, 11/19/2009
The White Center Community Development Association (White Center CDA) is holding their seventh annual Community Summit, at Mt. View Elementary on Saturday, December 5 from 9:30am-4:00pm, admission is free. Childcare is available.
The aim is "to celebrate White Center while recognizing the community work and service that has shaped the area," according to an announcement released today.
Attendees will have access to numerous community organizations, partners and individuals who continue to make White Center a thriving neighborhood. Workshops, a resource fair and affinity groups will be available in several different languages. Food and cultural entertainment will reflect the diversity of White Center’s communities.
Attendees will also take part in an interactive electronic polling session to give feedback on their neighborhood, its environment and resources. The Neighborhood Plan, a book that contains a summary of community projects seeking to improve the lives of White Center residents, will be given to each attendee free of charge.
A free t-shirt that says “I (heart) White Center” will also be given to attendees after the completion of the Community Summit evaluation form.
The Summit is sponsored by Boeing Employees Credit Union, Census 2010 and White Center CDA. A comprehensive list of community partners can be found on the Summit flyer.
For more information about the White Center CDA, please visit www.wccda.org or follow the CDA at www.twitter.com/whitecentercda.