Create a tropical miniature garden for the bah-hum-bug person on your list.
Oh dear. It’s that time of year again.
The pressure is on to do the impossible. You need to find a unique gift for that special someone. It’s got to be personable. It’s got to be heart-felt. And it’s got to inexpensive.
What can you do that is special that won’t cost an arm and a leg?
Did you know that you can make a one-of-a-kind gift quickly, easily, inexpensively and have fun doing it too? Did you know that you can even get the kids to make it with you if you want?
Miniature gardening is a very adaptable idea. I’ve mentioned before that it can be 4 inches wide, or it can be 40 feet wide. It’s the 4” wide gardens that can really hit home with that special someone this holiday season – or 6” or 10” wide…
Mini gardening is an idea can suit any personality. You can make just about any theme in a small pot with a few chosen plants and miniature accessories. Instead of spending money, why not spend a little time instead?
Here are some ideas for miniature gardens with “personality:”
For the “Foodie”
Choose a pot big enough for a decent sized patio, at least 12” across. Plant ½ of the pot with the mini garden and create a miniature patio in the other half. With our exclusive Mini Patio Mix, you can customize a rigid, durable patio right in the container. Furnish the patio with a BBQ grill, table and chairs and perhaps a couple of planters to make it cozy. Dinner is served…
For the Golfer
This one is easy. Use Irish Moss (Sagina subulata) for the grass. The pot can be as small as 4” or as large as 8” or more. Make a flag with a skewer, glue and fabric – coat the glue on a small swatch of white cotton fabric with the glue and dry it flat on a piece wax paper. When dry, cut out the triangle and wrap the base of the triangle around the to end of the skewer. Place the flag on top of the mound of moss. Fore!
The one that hates winter weather!
Find small, indoor plant starts at Fred Meyers or your local nursery. Think young palms, small leafy succulents or young Aloe Vera for a grassy look. This pot can be 8” across, or 24” across, depending upon how much time you have. Find the miniature ponds or pools in our online store for a “water feature.” Use the rolled marble pebbles for a quick and easy mini patio. Find little monkeys and lizards at your local toy store or Michael’s crafts. Warm yet?
With a little bit of time, a few small touches – literately – you can really make a personalized gift that enchants for months, or even years!
Need help brainstorming? Just ask Janit!